
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Gain the Knowledge to Succeed over the Long Run For Success Trading

You have to have knowledge to succeed. Most new investors and traders enter this field expecting to immediately become successful. However, many have spent tens of thousands of dollars and many years in college learning a specific profession and still do not make much money. To be successful, you need to start your journey on the right path, which will increase
your chance of reaching your final destination: financial security. To accomplish this goal, learn as much as you can about low-risk trading techniques and increase your knowledge base systematically.
Successful traders have an arsenal of trading tools that allows them to be competitive in the markets. I have used the word arsenal purposely. I believe that as an investor or trader, you need to recognize that each and every day in the marketplace is a battle. You must be ready to strategically launch an attack using all the resources in your arsenal. Your first weapon—knowledge—will enable you to make fast and accurate decisions regarding the probability of success in a specific investment. Is it incongruous to suggest that trading is war and also that to trade successfully one must reduce one’s level of stress? I believe not. The most composed and well-armed opponents win wars. The same is true for traders. In most cases, winners will be more comfortable (less stressed) regarding their ability to win. Knowledge fosters confidence. If you are well armed, you will be confident as you go off to fight the battle of the markets. Increased confidence leads to lower stress and higher profits.

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